1) "Here is Wisdom."   identifies  Antichrist  &  End  Time  events    on  the  world's  stage  right  now  exactly  as  scriptures  foretell.  Current  Headline  News   articles  mirror   the   piercing  insights  presented.    Copyrighted  1984, 2006  U.S.  Library of Congress. 

2) "The Eyes Have IT"   offers  eye-opening  insight  into  Biblical discernment.    22  Chapters  include  teaching  topics  like:   Dis- cernment  of  God's  presence,  gifts  of the Spirit,  discerning  of spirits,   discerning  demon-possession,   ministering  under the
anointing of power,   discerning  of  false  prophets,   Leadership requirements for God's  true  leaders,  'next things'  prophetically   in  the  body of  Christ, etc.   These  teachings equip  believers & ministers  with  keen  discernment  & maturity  for the Last Days   Copyright  2005  /   Lib. of Congress. 

3) "Living Above Sinprovides scriptural insight for the believer     to walk in the Spirit,   being literally  free from  sin,  in  Christ,  as  the  scriptures command.  Copyright 1991,  Library of Congress.

4) "End Time Prophetic Insight"   Vital  Biblical  prophecies which  most  authors  &  ministers  today  either  shy  away  from,   have  mishandled     and/or    are   still   pondering   are   crystallized  in  this   book  with   riveting   &   pinpoint   clarity.      A   sobering  & illuminated  understanding  for  both  believers  &  unbelievers  is  quickened   concerning  many  critical  End Time   topics.   Copy- right  June 2007,   US Library of Congress.     
5)   "the Humblest Father"  /  Bible insight  /  Copyright 1992 :     

7  short chapters  snap eyes open &  detail various topics including :  Chapt 1)   WHY did GOD create anything in the 1st place knowing in advance  that  sin, death  & suffering would result ?   Answered by 5 words given to me by the LORD within 60 days of saving me in 1981;  Chapt 7)     Life-changing checklist  in the New Testament of all that He's given us. / [ *VIDEO / 9:55 min :   'GOD : the Humblest Father' ]

Authored  6  Books             [  Bible insight  /  Non-Fiction  ]   
6)   "TWO  BEASTS  RISING   Non-Fiction / Documentary
        Foretold Final Two Beasts of World History:  IN PLAIN VIEW
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Here is Wisdom.
~ A Crucial Trumpet of Alarm ~
R O B   C O N R A D
R O B   C O N R A D
in perilous times
R O B   C O N R A D
www. HeIsNear .com
& Patmos MInistries

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Only  site in the world   identifying  Antichrist  and  Final  Events  on  the  world's  End  Time  stage NOW  with  News/Photos   confirming   the  prophecies;   and  reaching  souls  worldwide  for  Christ
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site launched:    April 1, 2005
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Rob Conrad
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We Stand with ISRAEL 
This   is   a   Bible-based,   Spirit-filled  Christian   website.    Its purpose   is   to   equip   the   body  of   Christ   &   to    provide  insight    to    believers   &   unbelievers   as   to   the  nearness     of    Christ's   return.     This  site  is   Bible   prophecy-oriented.    


1.  The  Bible is  the  divine  Word of God.   Every single word is  true   &  divinely  inspired  by  the  One True God,    the  creator.
2.  Jesus  is  the divine Son of God.    He was born of  a virgin &   was  the  incarnation  of  God the Father,   in  God  the Son.   He  was  born &  lived  sinlessly  in  Israel.    He  is  Savior  &  Lord.
3.  Salvation  is  only  found   through  faith  in   the  Lord Jesus  Christ,  &  no other.     Belief  &  confession  in His  death  on  a  cross,  His  physical  burial  for  3 days as  Scriptures say,  and  then  His   bodily   resurrection   is  the  only  way  of   salvation.
4. Total  atonement  for  our  sins  was  accomplished  in  Christ   Jesus,  by His  blood at  His  crucifixion,  burial &  resurrection.
5.  Jesus  will  give His  Holy  Spirit  &  power  to  every believer
who  thirsts   &   directly  asks  God,    in   Jesus'   Name.
6.  Christ  Himself,   the  same  Jesus  of  Nazareth,   will  return
physically  back   to  earth  in   His   2nd  divine   appearance.


           A  B  O  U  T      T  H  E      F  O  U  N  D  E  R                                (43 years in the anointing of God's Spirit & meat of God's Word)

The  prime  Author  of   HeIsNear.com   was  ordained  in   associ- ation     with   the    Open  Bible  Organization   headquartered   in   Des Moines,  IA.  ('89)  which is  a  non-denominational  Christian  organization   &    is    worldwide;    past   background   includes:    Pastor of  Hosanna Christian  Fellowship;  associate Chaplain of
L.A. Jail Ministry  between 1985 - 1991,  where  several  thousand  inmates  gave  their  hearts  to  Christ;   associate  Pastor  of  the  Light of  Love Christian  Outreach/Church;  a  life-changing born   again   Spirit-filled   experience   on    April  17,  1981    started   a   life  of   serving   the   Lord   with   spiritual  gifts  &  workings  of 
the  Holy  Spirit   that   have   always  accompanied   Rob Conrad, brother in Christ.          [ personal  testimony   /   salvation  experience  /
divine revelation  RE:  Antichrist  - coming to pass   /   deliverance  ministry ]   

Founder of  Patmos Ministries  [DBA] www.Heisnear.com site; 
View  Prophetic Letters by  Rob Conrad  to  HeIsNear's Global Partners    
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@ Amazon.com
[ but  READ  HERE  at Heisnear.com   @  NO CHARGE ]
Here is Wisdom.
Two Beasts Rising.
End Time Prophetic Insight :
Here is Wisdom.
Documented Testimony
ANTICHRIST ID'd -- coming to pass
100% to the "T"
A Watchman  ~  Prophetical Voice
1Cor 14:26     "every one of you hath a psalm,  hath a doctrine,  hath a tongue, hath
      a  revelation,  hath an interpretation.  Let all things be done unto edifying."

'ALL  of  what  I   have  written  in  'Here is Wisdom' ,  'Two  Beasts  Rising'   &  other books,  the  prophecies  I've  delivered   &  on  public  record,  and the many topical teachings at this site,  I  have  received   from   no   other  man  or  other  author's  book( s);   but  I  have written   only  about the  things which  the  anointing  of  the Holy Spirit  Himself has taught me from the inerrant  written Word of God.
[1 John 2:27]  Rob Conrad  BooksProphecies  / Posts @ Twitter  ]
Because NO OTHER SITE  IN  THE  WORLD except HeIsNear.com  accurately  IDENTIFIES ANTICHRIST on  the  world's  stage  NOW  according  to  scriptures PLUS  coupled  with   Headlines  News   showing  him:

1] --In process NOW of  Mideast  Peace  Negotiations with  ISRAEL,  leading  to  the  Imminent  launching  of  the  foretold   Final   7  Year  Tribulation

2] --Entering  and  'sitting down'  in a  Jewish Temple as a FULL DRESS Rehearsal PUBLICLY for the coming Abomination of Desolation, confirming the nearness  TODAY  of  the  Final  7  Year  Tribulation

3] --Exactly  fulfilling  Revelation's  meaning  of   '666'

4] --Clearly Pushing NOW for what is quickly developing into the Globally-Required MARK of the BEAST and the  Bible's  foretold and  rapidly-coming  1-World GOVT

5] --Already sitting right in the middle of the fast-rising EURO-KINGDOM and already gaining the EU's full attention with his proposals and clout,  readying to be  handed  the   #1   helm  of  the  entire  EU

Plus, NO OTHER SITE  SHOWS  these  VITAL  End Time TOPICS and PROPHECIES  collectively ready NOW  for  FULFILLMENT and  CLEARLY matched  in  the  Headline  News:

The Great Harlot already  in place globally [News con- firms];  the  accurate  'timing' of  the Rapture chrono- logically according to Paul, Jesus and the book of Revelation; a prototype of an actual Statue of   the  False Prophet already  made  and  standing  in  W.  Europe publicly as Revelation  foretells  will  be  erected  at  the Mid-Point  of  the 7  Year Tribulation  [News confirms]; Antichrist right now as  the   #1  Leader  in the  world as  foretold,  having  over  1  billion  pledged   followers; Antichrist as  the  most  popular  Leader  TODAY,  2nd to none,  as  the  'rider on  the  White Horse'  and ready  to 'start'  the  Tribulation;  Antichrist  being almost  begged  by  both   Israel   Leaders  and   Muslim Leaders   to   solve   the  Mideast Peace  problem;   etc

Full Scope --- Read  it  ALL

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R O B   C O N R A D
Rob Conrad
born again Spirit-filled
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